Our company develop, market and manufacturing fully stacked machines, special tools, pumps and contract services. We also perform maintenance and have training services linked to our products.
We want our customers to feel satisfied and return with a new trust in our service and products. We must meet applicable requirements, including applicable laws and regulations.
This is a prerequisite for good profitability, our development and long-term survival, which is determined by the commitment we show in our work, through our resources and through our attitude to quality.
The quality assurance work according to SS-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 is our tool that ensures the quality of the product and services, promised delivery times and other requirements placed on us.
We will constantly improve both the quality and the quality management system.
Skoogs Maskin & Svets AB wants you as a customer to perceive the company as competent and willing to stand up for you.
Anders Byttner
CEO of Ergolift AB